Emotional Wellness: What We Do

We support you to grow the skills you need to create wellbeing in your life.

We believe this is not a complex or complicated process, just a committed and essential one, which requires self-reflection and kindness towards ourselves and others.  

Kate on Emotional Wellness

“Let’s grow the skills to connect in more meaningful ways. I want to live in a kinder, more connected world. In my exploration of cultivating a deeper awareness of my internal world, and practicing staying connected to myself. I have experienced a greater sense of freedom and an ease in life. “
~ Kate Tregan Rowe 

Corporate Wellness

Developing and supporting your staff’s wellbeing

Educator Wellness 

Join our community created to take care of you!

Workshops and courses

Training, courses and workshops.

2021 calendar >

Free Stuff

Share the goodness!

About Us

This is an ongoing place of discovery for us all. I’m Kate, founder of Explorare and lover of life. When you cultivate a deeper awareness and understanding of your internal world, in particular your emotions, you may find a freedom and ease in life which is otherwise out of reach.

It is time to cultivate and grow the skills we need to connect in more meaningful ways. We believe connection supports us to thrive. 

We’d love for you to join us for the journey!

A place where you can learn, find support and share experiences.

E-mail kate@explorare.co.za if you have any questions, alternatively, pop us a Whatsapp!

Keep updated and stay in touch with our calendar for 2021! Don’t miss out on any webinars. Take me there.

Join our community created to take care of you! Read more >

We partner with schools to develop and implement customised strategies to create change and address any concerns with the behaviour of teachers and students. Read more.

You will find courses here to introduce you to how we work and to share our passion of supporting people to develop emotional wellness. Enjoy and please share the goodness, free downloads and videos. Check it out.

What are the Feeling Cards?

Do you always understand yourself? Can your children express themselves?
These cards are designed to help children, and adults, understand feelings and build more connection with themselves and others.

The Feelings Cards help all users develop emotional awareness and to:

notice what you are feeling

increase your emotional vocabulary

identify your different emotions

express your feelings to othersunderstand what your emotions are trying to tell you

learn ways to understand and navigate all your emotion

Printed Feeling Cards Set


  • 10 Junior Picture Cards
  • 25 Senior Picture Cards
  • 50 Emotion Word Cards
  • 80 Page Booklet

Digital Feeling Card Products

Digital Products

  • English, Afrikaans or Zulu Cards
  • Teachers Toolkit
  • Special Needs Cards
  • 80 Page Booklet