“A state of emotional wellness means you have balance in your life, you can prioritise the things which are important to you. You feed your creativity, develop and maintain satisfying, nurturing and emotionally safe relationships.  Cultivate resilience through emotional awareness and continuing to develop skill to successfully navigate successfully  life.”

– Kate Tregan Rowe

In a world which promotes "the busier, the better" and "a busy life is a successful life"

We are losing touch with what matters. 

Connection to ourselves and others is what supports us to live healthy, balanced lives. 

Growing the skills we need to create wellbeing and deepen connection in our lives is essential. Small steps often, steadily walking our way to wellness.

If you had to wake up with a sore throat, would you stop and pay attention to the message that you may be getting ill? Of course! We all know this message. But what about the messages our emotions are giving us?


How many of us listen to the messages behing our emotions?

Our emotions are messages, and they move us into action. Paying attention and staying connected to your internal world is key when wanting to create a sense of well-being.

To feel emotionally nourished and not tired, anxious, stressed or too busy, we need to be able to check in with our internal world. We need to develop insight into what is happening inside of us.

The best part is this is not a complex or complicated process, just a committed and, we believe, an essential one! We can help you develop these skills through simple, practical and effective courses and training.

It is time to do better.

Cultivating emotional wellness skills helps with:

  • Emotional outbursts
  • Poor attention and lack of focus
  • Anxiety
  • Stress or feeling overwhelmed
  • Poor relationship skills
  • Shyness
  • Motivation, and
  • Self-confidence

 Explorare offers tools and resources to help you develop the skills to create wellbeing in your life. 

Connection is an essential part of wellbeing.

Connection supports us to feel less stressed, and it lessens depression and anxiety. It helps us to feel an all-round sense of well-being. 


We do better together!

Taking time to connect with ourselves, others, nature and spirit supports our walk to wellness.

Let's grow connection and wellbeing by

Commiting to developing our internal awareness

Learning how to navigate and listen to our emotions, and

Growing the skills to connect in meaningful and authentic ways

Corporate Wellness

Developing and supporting your staff’s wellbeing

Educator Wellness 

Join our community created to take care of you!

Workshops and courses

Training, courses and workshops.

2021 calendar >

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